In addition to developing subject-specific methods, the doctoral phase also serves to acquire and expand interdisciplinary skills. Scientific writing and publishing as well as the acquisition of funding are just some of them. We know the linguistic and motivational challenges that doctoral students and postdocs face when writing dissertations and manuscripts, and we support their creative processes so that they can adequately present their research. We illustrate the expectations of audiences, publishers, and funding agencies, and how to meet them in order to win over recipients and attract funding. Here are some sample workshops:



Skills for Science



Scientific Presentation
The art of scientific presentation is to make complicated facts understandable and to convince the audience of one's own research results. How can you succeed in this?


Target group

This workshop is aimed at PhD students and postdocs who have little experience in presenting and would like to gain confidence in giving presentations in the research group and at conferences.



The most important elements that are crucial for the success of a presentation besides the scientific content will be covered in this workshop - from conceptualization over visualization to delivery.


Learning objectives

  • Know how to prepare content for specific target groups
  • Understand the structure and layout of scientific presentations
  • Know visual design principles and apply them to slides or posters
  • Direct the attention of the audience
  • Use language and body language effectively
  • Know technical requirements and get tips
  • To learn to handle nervousness
  • Knowing how to deal with critical questions and disruptive factors



Motivational talk, exercises in pairs or small groups, work on own material, video training, feedback



1 - 2 days

Grant Application


In this workshop, the participants learn how to proceed from an idea to an application for external funding. Regardless of whether they are applying for funding from the DFG, BMBF, EU or a foundation: The principles of a good proposal are always the same, the rest is "funding technique" and form of presentation.


Learning objectives

  • Understand the principles of third-party funding
  • Know how to interpret the criteria in the call for proposals
  • Write a coherent abstract/executive summary
  • Plan how to proceed after the application has been submitted


Target group

Doctoral students at the end of their doctorate, postdocs


Group size

Max. 12 participants



We look at various calls for proposals and plan our own application. In doing so, the participants can directly apply their particular project. Alternatively, they work on a case study.



2 days

Scientific Writing


In the workshop, we will analyze key elements of the writing process, structure, and style of scientific texts. Participants will have the opportunity to try out their newly acquired skills directly, improve their own material in group and partner exercises, and receive valuable feedback from their colleagues. We will also address some linguistic issues.


Learning objectives

  • Create productive working conditions to maintain motivation during the writing process
  • Know structural components of scientific texts
  • Organize the writing process
  • Know how to find the right tone for the desired audience
  • Employ formal elements for clarity and credibility of the publication
  • Know practical solutions for cumulative dissertations
  • Apply useful web links and programs


Target group

This workshop is aimed at doctoral students who are starting to write their dissertations, as well as young postdocs who want to polish their scientific publications.


Group size

Max. 12 participants



2 days, if desired with one-on-one consulting sessions

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