Scientists have to communicate on many levels with fellow researchers, experts from other disciplines, colleagues, superiors, cooperation partners, politicians, administrative staff and the public. It is not always easy to adapt to the language and level of knowledge of the other person and to formulate one's own thoughts in such a way that they reach the other person exactly as intended. Unclear communication leads to misunderstandings and conflicts. Finding the right tone, being convincing or even asserting oneself, developing understanding for other opinions and ways of expressing oneself, interpreting and using body language and much more are skills that can be practiced in order to demonstrate professionalism and achieve positive results when dealing with one another. Be inspired by these sample workshops:



Communication & Diversity



Facilitating meetings
We have all been there: project meetings, team discussions or meetings that you leave with a feeling of discontent. Be it that they were inconclusive, that the envisaged time was exceeded by far or that they were hijacked by one person without giving every participant the opportunity to contribute. In many cases, it is clear to everyone what went wrong. But how can this be prevented?



The workshop will introduce you to different types of meetings and their different requirements.

The be-all and end-all for effective meeting facilitation is planning. In this workshop, you will learn and practice how to organise meetings efficiently, keep track of time and facilitate meetings politely but firmly.


Learning objectives

  • Plan and schedule meetings correctly
  • Understand which people are key and what implications this entails
  • Know the role of the facilitator and other roles
  • Work towards results
  • Safeguard results and record them


Target group

(Post-)doctoral students and postgraduates


Group size

Max. 12 participants
Scientists negotiate every day - at different levels and hierarchies, within their own institution and beyond its borders, and also in their private lives. Negotiations often take place in difficult situations where feelings can be hurt and positions can harden to the point where a solution or breakthrough seems unattainable.



The participants in this workshop will become aware of the importance of negotiation as a basis for change. They will get to know their own negotiation style and learn to gain confidence in doing so. How to prepare for and conduct negotiations will be discussed and practiced.


Learning objectives

  • Understand different negotiation and decision-making strategies
  • Know which approach is appropriate in a given situation
  • Think more clearly, act more wisely, and move more purposefully in the desired direction


Target group

Scientists and academics who want to negotiate more successfully


Group size

Max. 12 participants



Motivational talks, presentations, small and large group work, simulations and role plays, individual exercises, video clips if desired, Metalog tools



2 days

Diverse Teams
The globalized world brings together international, diverse teams that work together more or less successfully on projects and share workplaces. Due to different expectations and behaviors, but also due to different needs, intercultural conflicts occur time and again in this multicultural working world, costing companies, universities and organizations nerves, time and money. For project success in collaborations, it is therefore important to know about the specific cultural characteristics and to adapt individually to the respective cooperation partners or colleagues and the situation.



To ensure a strong practical relevance to the working situation, the specific questions and examples of the participants will be included in the training whenever possible. Focal points are:

  • Dealing with stereotypes and clichés
  • Awareness of one's own and others' perceptions
  • Reflection of own cultural values and imprinting
  • Multicultural teams, countries and characteristics
  • Communication, factual and personal focus, leadership, indirect communication


Learning objectives

  • Acquire relevant knowledge about culture
  • Sensitivity for cultural conditionality of thinking, perceiving and acting
  • Expand behavioral repertoire for intercultural encounters
  • Develop successful strategies for action


Target group

PhD students, postdocs, members of the entire research group


Group size

Max. 12 participants



Motivational talks, presentations, plenary and small group work, individual exercises, Metalog tools



2 days

Deciphering gender codes
In this workshop we will discuss the different communication styles of women and men and how to transfer this knowledge into practice so that communication in the academic environment can succeed.


Learning objectives

  • Communication styles
  • Reflection of own communication style
  • Analysis of structural conditions and breaking of patterns
  • Dealing with provocations
  • Practice self-confident behavior


Target group

(Young) Scientists, Science Managers



Theoretical impulse, body awareness exercises, simulations using methods from drama-based training



2 days

Closeness vs. distance
We often talk about a “professional distance“ that is pursued in a business context. Often, however, this is being mistaken for emotional detachment from colleagues, staff and superiors. Not only does this detachment take an immense effort, it is also often only achieved at the expense of creative potential.

In this seminar you will learn with the help of methods from drama-based training how to vary between closeness and distance so that the encounter with others remains comfortable for yourself. We train how you can guide your own energy and release the tension in your body. In this way you will gain "inner security" and have new capacity for the factual level of the conversation.


Learning obejctives

  • Know the range between professional distance and closeness
  • Become more confident and relaxed in your daily work routine
  • Know how to free new potentials for the factual side of things


Target group

Scientists in the application process who want to gain confidence and group leaders who want to acquire a more relaxed approach in leading


Group size

Max. 6 participants



Motivational talk, individual and group work, exercises from drama-based training, role-play practicing participants’ examples, personality structures according to the Structogram® system, feedback



2 days, possibility of consolidation in individual coaching sessions

Conflict resolution
PhD students are often confronted with difficult situations. Conflicts can arise among colleagues, within (international) collaborations and with the supervisor. All parties involved at times have different interests - or simply a communication style that one finds challenging. This can lead to a loss of motivation and productivity of individuals and entire teams. Addressing conflicts openly, however, is not easy: PhDs may feel they are in a position of dependency or may just not want to upset anyone. Or they simply lack the knowledge of how to address conflicts.



In this workshop, the participants will learn practical tools that enable them to address conflicts and deal with them in a constructive way. We will analyze situations of conflict in teams, in (international) cooperations and with superiors and practice resolving issues or problems between two or more people. We will take a look at personal conflict management styles and work on how to handle even emotionally difficult situations.

The participants can bring their own examples from their working life. In a trusting atmosphere, they will have the opportunity to discuss their own issues and experience mutual support.


Learning objectives

  • Understand how conflicts arise and what happens if not addressed
  • Know how to represent and assert your interests
  • Address conflicts within the team and work toward a resolution
  • Employ communication tools to facilitate constructive conversations
  • Develop awareness of how different (e.g., cultural) backgrounds can influence conflicts / communication styles


Target group

Doctoral students


Group size

Max. 12 participants



Impulse lectures, presentations, group and small group work, individual work, drama exercises



2 days

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