You are facing a professional reorientation and do not yet know where to go? Your job has reached a dead end or your contract is coming to an end?

Even experts and managers with many years of professional experience want or need to reorient themselves professionally. Whether routine leads to dissatisfaction or external pressure forces change: In any case, it is worthwhile for you to analyse what you have achieved so far and to check whether the path you have chosen is the right one for you.

Let us advise you. We have years of experience in working with scientists, offer you methods that suit you and know the academic world as well as the job market in the free economy. We also help you to apply the language and code of conduct of different work cultures with confidence. This often opens up perspectives that you might not have expected or that you might not have believed in. The goal of our career coaching is to help you see the next step on your career path clearly in front of you.

From document checks to intensive coaching, we offer you a complete package that suits your situation. Get in touch with us: We will first clarify your specific requirements and then make you a tailor-made offer.




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