Some target groups have special needs that are not covered by the general course program. Possible target groups are career advisors, science managers, women, men, internationals, experienced scientists and scholars. If you have special requests, we will work with you to find a solution. The following samples give you a first insight into the range of topics:



Individual Topics for Specific Needs



Visibility for Women
Women scientists continue to be underrepresented in both academic science and industry. They face conflicts and hurdles based on both structural conditions and individual attitudes and perceptions.



The participants reflect on their own perception. Structural conditions are examined and male and female communication patterns are compared. They learn how to gain and project more inner strength in difficult situations with the help of their body and voice.

In addition, participants are provided with a range of tactics to respond appropriately to provocations and unfair behavior. They have the opportunity to practice self-confident behavior in negotiation situations, e.g. salary and promotion negotiations. Through feedback from the group, the trainer and a male counterpart, the participants can compare and adjust self-perception with external perception. In this way, they learn to use their strengths in a purposeful way and to assert themselves.


Learning objectives

  • Know and overcome different communication patterns
  • Reflect on self- and external perception
  • Understanding the role of structural circumstances
  • Learn to assert yourself as a woman
  • Develop strategies for difficult situations


Target group

Female scientists


Group size

Max. 10 participants



Activities in small groups and in plenary, drama-based exercises, role plays (voluntary), some with male counterpart



2 days
Zielgruppe Career Service


Die Maßnahme wendet sich an Fachkräfte, die in der Studien- und Berufsberatung für Studierende, Promovierende und Post-Doktorand*innen tätig sind oder sich auf einen solchen Karriereschritt vorbereiten wollen. Angesprochen sind sowohl Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen, die zentral in Personal- oder Verwaltungsabteilungen tätig sind, als auch Fachkräfte, die dezentralen Einheiten wie Fachbereichen, Graduiertenschulen (-kollegs) oder anderen Organisationen zugeordnet sind.



Die Teilnehmenden erhalten Gelegenheit, sich ihrer eigenen Rolle klar zu werden und ein eigenes Selbstverständnis im Spannungsfeld zwischen organisationalen Interessen ihres Arbeitgebers und individuellen Interessen ihrer Klientel zu entwickeln. Sie reflektieren ihre Gestaltungsspielräume vor dem Hintergrund ihres Auftrags und ihrer organisatorischen Verankerung. Zusätzlich wird die Förderung der eigenen Kompetenz- und Karriereentwicklung durch Netzwerken und Weiterbildung thematisiert. Darüber hinaus besteht Raum für einen strukturierten Erfahrungsaustausch über Beratungsmethoden sowie Grenzen der Karriereberatung.



Am Ende haben die Teilnehmenden ein erstes Konzept für sich erarbeitet, aus dem hervorgeht, für was sie stehen und welche Ziele sie verfolgen.



Max. 12 Personen



2 Tage
Success factor woman
Funding institutions increasingly look for female participation in submitted projects in order to achieve a higher percentage of women in scientific leadership positions, in science societies and in boards. Research institutions are committed to promote women, but how can this goal be set into action? Difficulties arise when PIs look for collaboration partners and only potential male partners seem to be available.



In this workshop we will examine the reasons for the seemingly non-visibility of female scientists independent of their excellence. Structural reasons as well as different communication patterns of men and women will be discussed as well as unconscious bias. In simulation exercises the participants have the opportunity to change perspective and to adjust their perception and communication patterns with the help of feedback by the group and the trainer.

The insights will sensitize scientists and help them to find and attract suitable female candidates and to establish fruitful collaborations.


Learning objectives

  • Understand the non-scientific agendas of funding agencies
  • The "currency" of visibility in a scientific context
  • Reflect on one's own perceptions and unconscious biases
  • Understand the role of structural circumstances
  • Know how to overcome different communication patterns of the opposite sex


Target group

Male and female scientists


Group size

Max. 10 participants



Small group and plenary activities, drama-based exercises, role-play (voluntary)



2 days

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