Our Expertise


At KEPOS, we combine professional experience from industry, research and science management with the know-how of human resource development tools to support young scientists in their career development. It is this rich expertise that makes us unique and allows for customized coaching and training solutions.

What we offer

Seminars & Workshops

Our workshops are aimed at young scientists who are looking for support in their career planning or who want to improve their key competencies, as well as science managers who are preparing for a role in career counseling or organizational development.
Thematically, our workshops cover career orientation, job application, leadership, career planning and counseling, communication in different contexts, management methods, work-life balance and diversity.


Consulting & Coaching

We offer advice and support to scientists in questions of professional reorientation or when making a career change during the decision-making process. We help them determine their current position, identify their strengths and develop a personal profile that matches their skills with the requirements of the job market. And we support them in the application process.
Individual consulting can include targeted job search, review of application documents for a specific position and preparation for interview and / or assessment center, as well as onboarding issues at the new workplace.



We give presentations in German or English at your events. Thematically, these can relate to career planning for young scientists, leadership styles and personality traits, as well as gender and diversity issues.


Organi­zational Develop­ment

When research groups are merged, departments are dissolved, or new management structures are put in place, this can result in a clash of different work cultures and objectives.
We help you to implement change processes in your organization. Together with you, we analyze the current situation, develop change goals - if and when necessary, with the team - and support you in the implementation of agreed measures.
We accompany you on scientific retreats, moderate your events and carry out team development initiatives for working or management groups.


Our Team


Barbara Hoffbauer
Following her legal studies and having fully qualified as an attorney Barbara has worked for over 20 years in the Human Resources management of different companies
Irmtraud Williams (†)
Project management
We mourn the loss of our dear colleague and project manager Irmtraud Williams, who passed away on October 15, 2024.
Dr. Gaby Schilling
Gaby holds a PhD in chemistry and a BSc. in psychology. She spent more than 17 years in various management positions at a DAX 30 company in Germany and the US
Dr. Kristina Böhlke
Kristina is an organizational consultant, trainer and coach. With a PhD in biology, she worked for many years as a science manager and executive in the public sector
Dr. Zeina Matar
Born in Beirut, Zeina has an academic background in Oriental Studies and has extensive experience as a project manager and lecturer in academiaerfügt über lange Erfahrung als Projektmanagerin und Dozentin in der Wissenschaft.

How can we support you?

Telefon+49 1515 5158 282


The latest from our blog


Project assistant wantedSeeking a project assistant with good communication skills
International Professionals for the DACH Region - Englisch version
KEPOS at the summit meeting of continuing education
Jetzt im Handel: "Vom Mindset zum Bodyset" von Kristina BoehlkeMit Körper-Biologik Emotionen selbstwirksam aktivieren und führen
08.10.2024Project assistant wantedSeeking a project assistant with good communication skills

KEPOS is a network of trainers specialising in the personal development of early career researchers. We work on topics such as career orientation, self-management and leadership. We have been working for universities and non-university organisations throughout Germany since 2008. We are looking for a communicative project assistant on a part-time basis. Your future tasks will be - Acquisition of training programmes for existing and new customers including documentation - Preparation of offers in consultation with the trainers - Coordination of training measures with the clients - Maintenance of our website www.kepos.de - Participation in virtual meetings in the network We are looking for you: - Insight into the German science system through studies, possibly a doctorate - Independent and structured way of working - Very good knowledge of German and English - Ability to make contact on the phone The work is to be carried out completely remotely. We will familiarise you thoroughly and provide you with helpful documentation. If you are interested, please contact us via hoffbauer@kepos.com. We will be happy to arrange an initial phone call or Zoom meeting with you.

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04.10.2024International Professionals for the DACH Region - Englisch version

Due to high demand, now available in English: International Professionals for the DACH Region: Finding, Retaining, and Developing in a Future Work Environment (English Edition). The publication by our trainer Zeina Matar is now available in English.

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13.04.2024KEPOS at the summit meeting of continuing education

Always up to date: our two trainers Dr Gaby Schilling and Dr Kristina Böhlke were at this year's Petersberger Trainer Days, the "Summit of Continuing Education". There was inspiration from the neurosciences and inspiring business leaders, exhibitors from archery to VR glasses, workshops on blended learning and short-term coaching and much more.

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01.10.2023Jetzt im Handel: "Vom Mindset zum Bodyset" von Kristina BoehlkeMit Körper-Biologik Emotionen selbstwirksam aktivieren und führen

Jetzt im Handel erhältlich: Emotionen sind die Sprache des Lebens. Sie haben uns schon handeln und entscheiden lassen, bevor es Worte gab. Empathie, Intuition, Körpersprache und Mimik sind die Voraussetzung für ein gutes Zusammenleben in der Gruppe. Doch nutzen wir unsere Potenziale im Business, im Coaching, in wichtigen Situationen ausreichend? Wie also küssen wir diese Fähigkeiten wieder wach? Antworten liefert Kristina Böhlkes neues Buch. Es ist eine Gebrauchsanweisung für den eigenen Körper, für unsere angeborenen Kommunikationsfähigkeiten und führt uns zu emotionalem Selbstvertrauen. In Kontakt mit den natürlichen emphatischen Fähigkeiten zu sein, den eigenen Wahrnehmungen vertrauen, um auf dieser Basis schnell und sicher handeln und reagieren zu können – das ist emotionale Agilität. „Bodyset statt Mindset“ steht dafür, dass wir unsere emotionale Agilität und unsere Intuition wieder bewusst nutzen lernen und zwar mit dem Körper als Ressource - denn der Kopf ist schon ausgelastet genug. Wer den Körper und seine Energien bewusst führen kann, spart Energie und schafft Vertrauen durch authentisches Auftreten. Mit den Möglichkeiten der Körper-Biologik setzt du die Dinge im Wortsinne in Bewegung- zum Beispiel im Coaching, im Consulting, im Führungsalltag oder vor Publikum.

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Our Customers





Barbara Hoffbauer
Leonie-Ossowski-Promenade 9
68309 Mannheim
Barbara Hoffbauer
+49 1515 5158 282
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