
Should I speak German if I want to work in Germany?
Hurdles for foreign students


In our courses and workshops we meet many people from Non-European countries who make their master’s degree or their PhD at German universities. Many of these students want to stay in Germany. They apply for jobs in academic science as well as in private companies. One of the hurdles they have to overcome is the language barrier.

Working in academic science often requires not more than a good proficiency in English. Scientist must be able to read English publications and to present their results in English - written and oral.  Universities offer courses training presentation and scientific writing skills so that the students are able to develop the necessary competences. None of them will be asked whether or not they speak German. Consequently many students believe that they will find a comparable situation where ever they apply for a job. Even if open positions are advertised in German they apply in English and provide English CVs only.

One of the reasons for unexpected rejections are the lack of German language knowledge. Source for this misunderstanding are 3 facts.

·         Germany is the home base of some huge globalized companies.

·         Additionally there are a lot of mid-sized and smaller enterprises that make more than 50 % of their revenues outside Germany.

·         In Germany the academic educated employees speak English more or less properly.


But this does not really mean working in Germany without German language is an easy going game. Employers expect that their applicants are good communicators which often means to communicate with non-academic educated people on a low level competence in English language. Even if you find one of this rare situations within an English speaking team you will need German language knowledge for further promotions. Do not rely too much on the current privilege. Consider the future perspectives and your flexibility in the German job market.


Another reason for learning German is that living in Germany with basic language knowledge is much easier than without. Organizing a private life and making friends outside your workplace is a hard job if you are not able to communicate.




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