

Projektassistenz gesucht!Gesucht wird eine kommunikative Projektassistenz.
International Graduate School in Molecular Medicine, Ulm UniversityGrant Writing – from idea to application
GRADE Goethe Research Academy For Early Career ResearchersScience is International - How to Develop Cross Cultural Skills?
Ulm University Medical Center1,5-tägiger Online-Live-Workshop „Von der Idee zum Antrag“.
28.02.2025Projektassistenz gesucht!Gesucht wird eine kommunikative Projektassistenz.

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29.01.2025International Graduate School in Molecular Medicine, Ulm UniversityGrant Writing – from idea to application

In this online workshop, participants will learn how to get from an idea to an application for third-party funding. At the beginning, participants receive input on the basic principles of research funding and the ‘mindset’ of funding agencies. Regardless of whether funding from the DFG, BMBF, EU or foundation: the principles of a good proposal are always the same, the rest is ‘funding technique’ and form of presentation. The participants go through the steps of submitting a proposal based on their own research topics. The learning path starts from the webpages provided by research funding organisations, searching for a suitable call for proposals and understanding the funding guidelines. The workshop takes place over two half days between 9am and 3pm, between which the participants are given tasks for in-depth individual work.

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16.01.2025GRADE Goethe Research Academy For Early Career ResearchersScience is International - How to Develop Cross Cultural Skills?

Science is international and scientists often have a cross-cultural background or work in cross-cultural teams. Although some scientists believe that cultural differences do not pose a problem, others encounter difficulties in cross-cultural collaborations or in everyday situations, and may not know how to respond appropriately. Exploring our own cultural biases can aid our comprehension of the behaviors and values of others. This workshop will examine various forms of diversity, including gender, age, educational backgrounds, and cultural issues. It will also explore potential conflicts that may arise in heterogeneous groups and how to resolve them. Additionally, the workshop will detail how diversity can be utilized as a valuable resource.

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12.12.2024Ulm University Medical Center1,5-tägiger Online-Live-Workshop „Von der Idee zum Antrag“.

In diesem Workshop lernen die Teilnehmenden, wie sie von einer Idee zum Drittmittelantrag gelangen. Es gibt einen Input zu grundlegenden Prinzipien von Forschungsförderung und der „Denke“ der Forschungsförderer. Die Teilnehmenden gehen die Schritte einer Antragstellung anhand eigener Forschungsthemen durch. Der Lernweg startet ausgehend von bereitgestellten Startseiten von Forschungsförderern damit, eine passende Ausschreibung zu suchen und sich mit den Förderrichtlinien auseinandersetzen.

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