18 April, 2023 EMBL Career Webinar: How to choose the right postdoc lab.
This webinar is aimed at PhDs (or postdocs) who plan to do a postdoc. Three group leaders will share their thoughts on what early career researchers should take into account when choosing a postdoc role. After a short introduction from each panellist, the majority of the webinar time will be dedicated to discussion, guided by questions from the audience.
Speakers / Panelists:
- Ana Boskovic, Group Leader, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, IT
- Allison McClure, Assistant Professor, University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA
- Duncan Odom, Group Leader, University of Heidelberg and DKFZ/German Cancer Research Center, DE
EMBL Careers Webinar - How to choose a postdoc position
09 May, 2023 IKOM Life Science 2023 - Karriereforum für die Bio- und Lebensmittelbranche, Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan, Science Campus
The IKOM Life Science offers students of the Technical University of Munich the opportunity to introduce themselves to companies from the large field of life-, agricultural- and bio-sciences.
IKOM Life Science 2023 - Career fair for life, agricultural and bio-sciences
10 May, 2023 CONTACT2023, Life Science Job fair, DKFZ Heidelberg, organized by Biocontact e.V.
Aiming at students, PhD Students, Postdocs, graduates, young professionals and laboratory technicians in the field of life sciences
Offers the opportunity to get connected to well-known companies in the life sciences industry, consulting, scientific publishers or innovative start-ups – all free of charge.
CONTACT2023 Life Science Job Fair
10 May, 2023 T5 JobMesse Berlin für Ingenieure, Techniker, Informatiker, Naturwissenschaftler, Wirtschaftswissenschaftler
Du bist Berufseinsteiger oder planst den nächsten Karriereschritt? Oder befindest Dich noch in Ausbildung bzw. im Studium?
Du interessierst Dich für Jobchancen im Umfeld von Engineering, IT, Life Science und in weiteren zukunftsstarken Bereichen?
Dann ist die T5 JobMesse genau der richtige Treffpunkt, um mit ausgewählten Arbeitgebern ins Gespräch zu kommen und nützliche Kontakte zu knüpfen.
T5 JobMesse - Berlin 2023
16 May, 2023 Life science career day, Lausanne (CH)
The Life Science Career Day is a large-scale networking and career guidance event for students and young researchers in the field of life sciences to facilitate their access to their first job outside the university.
Life Science Career Day SwissTech Convention Center, Lausanne
23 - 24 May, 2023 Career fair Life Science 2023, Hohenheim, Schwerpunkt Agrarwiss./Agrartechnik
• | Tuesday, 23 May: Companies working in the agricultural sciences sector
• | Wednesday, 24 May: Companies working in the natural sciences sector
Students from all degree programs are welcome to attend, including those from the fields of business, economics, and social sciences. External guests are also welcome to attend.
Place and time: Hohenheim Palace (central building), 1 - 5 p.m.
Career Fair Life Science: University of Hohenheim
24 May, 2023 BCF Career Event, Jaarboers Utrecht (NL)
BCF Career Event is the largest career event for the Life Sciences. It is the meeting place for everyone who is or wants to be active in Bio/Life Sciences, Chemistry, Food or Pharma. BCF Career Event offers you the opportunity to get into direct contact with a broad range of employers in the sector, but also with other organisations that can help you further in your career.
BCF Career Event, Netherlands
15 June, 2023 Jobvector Karrieremesse – Jobvector Career Day
Karriere-Event für Ingenieure, Informatiker, Medihiner & Naturwissenschaftler
Karrieremesse jobvector
06 July, 2023 ScieCon Berlin
Du wirst Dein Studium im Bereich der Life Sciences demnächst abschließen und bist nun auf Jobsuche? Oder bist Du schon mitten im Bewerbungsprozess und suchst nach neuen Perspektiven? Dann besuche die Karrieremesse ScieCon der btS e.V.!
ScieCon Berlin Career Event Life Sciences
10 October, 2023 T5 JobMesse Hamburg für Ingenieure, Techniker, Informatiker, Naturwissenschaftler, Wirtschaftswissenschaftler
Du bist Berufseinsteiger oder planst den nächsten Karriereschritt? Oder befindest Dich noch in Ausbildung bzw. im Studium?
Du interessierst Dich für Jobchancen im Umfeld von Engineering, IT, Life Science und in weiteren zukunftsstarken Bereichen?
Dann ist die T5 JobMesse genau der richtige Treffpunkt, um mit ausgewählten Arbeitgebern ins Gespräch zu kommen und nützliche Kontakte zu knüpfen.
T5 JobMesse Hamburg 2023
26 - 29 October, 2023 IKOM, TUM Garching
Unsere Hauptveranstaltung ist eine der größten studentischen Karrieremessen Deutschlands. Du bist auf der Suche nach einer Bachelor-, Masterarbeit oder Promotion, willst Dich zu Praktika und Werkstudententätigkeiten informieren oder direkt ins Berufsleben einsteigen? Über 320 potenzielle Traumunternehmen warten in diesem Jahr an vier Messetagen auf Dich!
IKOM Career event TU Munich
26 October, 2023 ScieCon Bochum Career networking fair
In its capacity as the biggest student initiative in the field of Life Sciences the Life Science Studenteninitiative (btS) e.V. is aimed at improving the connection between students, universities and industry. For this purpose, the career fair ScieCon in Bochum offers an ideal platform. It is explicitly directed to the field of Life Sciences bringing exciting and innovative Biotech and Life Science companies in direct contact with the appropriate employees of tomorrow - an advantage for both sides. In detail international and regional companies acting in the areas of life sciences, pharmaceuticals and consulting offer our visitors a wide range of possible career opportunities. In addition, there is a varied programme, with free application photos, portfolio checks and a competition. Furthermore, the popular live job interview must not be missing.
ScieCon Bochum
16 November, 2023 Karrieretag Life Sciences Hessen/Rheinland-Pfalz, Langen
Auf dem Karrieretag sind Studierende und bereits Berufstätige herzlich willkommen.
Karrieretag Life Sciences 2023
23 November, 2023 BCF Career Event Ghent ICC (NL)
BCF Career Event is the largest career event for the Life Sciences. It is the meeting place for everyone who is or wants to be active in Bio/Life Sciences, Chemistry, Food or Pharma. BCF Career Event offers you the opportunity to get into direct contact with a broad range of employers in the sector, but also with other organisations that can help you further in your career.
BCF Career Event Belgium